Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Paris and Madrid Trip

Over the past few weeks our office has been all abuzz, from planning for the holidays, decorating for market and organizing the trip to Paris and Madrid, we have been more than busy. 

Galeries Lafayette
We were proud to have Director of Design, Tiffany Bausch and Director of Merchandising, Minjoo Chung, as our European representatives from Monet.  Their trip was packed full, from press events and dinners to interviews and award shows, they were busy! 

Their first stop was Galeries Lafayette, where Monet and Co calls home.  The department store is one of the biggest in France, and was fully decorated for the holidays. 

On Monday evening interviews were set up with the French press.  Journalists from the top French magazines came to meet Tiffany and Minjoo, which was so much fun for them.  Since Monet has only had a presence in France for about 10 years, this was a great opportunity for us to meet and greet and share the Monet vision of the 21st century. 

Being interviewed in Paris
The next stop was Madrid, for both the Top Glamour Woman of the Year Award, and more meet and greet press interviews.

The girls met up with our Spanish counterparts on Wednesday, of course for some more shopping and eating. 

Wednesday evening a press dinner was held at the prestigious Ramon Freixa restaurant in Madrid. 

Monet was the host for ten editors; Belen Zabala from Glamour, Silvia Montoliu from Elle, Leticia Riestra from Harpers Bazaar, Enrique Campos from Marie Claire, Alicia Chapa and Carla Aguilar from Telva, Raquel Pelaez from Vanity Fair, Carla Sierra from Vogue, Yo Donna and AR

The event was a smash.  The food delicious and the conversation better.  Tiffany and Minjoo had a blast trying to keep up with the chatter and more importantly develop relationships with the Spanish press!  We are always hosting luncheons or events with the press in New York, and this was such a great opportunity for us to treat the Spanish press to a party!  

Setting up for the event
A table setting fit for a queen
The Menu

First Course

Everyone enjoying the conversation (and food)
Second Course


Monday, November 29, 2010

History of Monet

The history of Monet Jewelry dates back to 1929, where, in Providence, Rhode Island, two brothers were making monogramed handbag fixtures...

We discovered so many unique facts while researching the above video, that we had to share!!  And, in fact, I learned so much that I am writing a Wikipedia Article about it.  Stay tuned!!!

Hope you like the video!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Favorite Fridays

Today starts the first edition of Favorite Friday's. 

It is here that we will divulge our favorite bloggers, the reasons why they are our favorite and maybe even an interview with the Blogger of the Week!

Today's edition features Aly Walansky.  Aly is hosting a Monet jewelry giveaway starting TODAY.  Enter on her blog.

We asked Aly a few questions about herself, blogging, fashion and life!

When did you start blogging?
I've been blogging (in various incarnations and several genres) for about five years.

What’s the best thing about being a blogger?
I've learned so much -- I often feel like I'm getting a constant education. Every day, there's a new product, a new innovation, new trends and ideas -- and I get to be at the front line to see it all happening. It's an honor, and also a tremendous opportunity.

Why does fashion interest you?
I love the concept of fashion as wearable art, but also as the most visible form of self-expression. We like to say we "wear our emotions" - but fashion is the only context that this truly becomes valid.

How would you wear the Monet product in your giveaway?
Mine is classic glamour - I'd pair it with a simple black shift dress and let the jewelry do the work!

Your best jewelry shopping tip?
I am the consummate bargain shopper - I love to compare deals and prices and get the best buy for my buck. I also believe in the cost per wear - if you find something fabulous that you know you will wear often, then that is a great value for you!

What’s your jewelry philosophy?
I don't have a lot of jewelry, but what I do have, I love, and I know it will last the years. Jewelry is timeless, the pieces you choose today are the pieces your daughter may be wearing ten years from now.

How are you going to make your holiday season sparkle?
With love and laughter - that's the greatest accessory of all :-)
Funniest NYC moment?
I work from home, but often take my computer to a nearby Starbucks to have a bit of change in scenery. I'm there often enough that the barista will ask if I've been on vacation if I miss a few days. Recently, I was at the Starbucks, blogging away, and I received a call on my cell phone that a messenger was at my apartment, attempting to drop off a package. I explained to him I wasn't home, but was nearby - and he offered to bring it to me. I often call Starbucks my "office", but never was it more true than the day I got a messenger delivery as I sat at my "desk"!
Silver or gold? silver
Pearls or gems? gems
Chandeliers or hoops? hoops

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Fun Facts:

*Though many competing claims exist, the most familiar story of the first Thanksgiving took place in Plymouth Colony, in present-day Massachusetts, in 1621. More than 200 years later, President Abraham Lincoln declared the final Thursday in November as a national day of thanksgiving.

*Congress finally made Thanksgiving Day an official national holiday in 1941.

*Sarah Josepha Hale, the enormously influential magazine editor and author who waged a tireless campaign to make Thanksgiving a national holiday in the mid-19th century, was also the author of the classic nursery rhyme "Mary Had a Little Lamb.

*In 2001, the U.S. Postal Service issued a commemorative Thanksgiving stamp. Designed by the artist Margaret Cusack in a style resembling traditional folk-art needlework, it depicted a cornucopia overflowing with fruits and vegetables, under the phrase "We Give Thanks."

thank you History Channel

Monday, November 22, 2010

Monet Back Pages

Monet has advertised with the major fashion magazines ever since the 1950's.  But, it wasnt until recently that we discovered our History on the Back Page.

Each season, we redecorate our showroom to unveil our new collection of jewelry.  Spring 2011 is all about the 1970s.  With goose necks and white enamel, the jewelry fits right in with the trends.  So, to go along with the decor of the showroom, think shag rugs and egg chairs, we purchased some 1970's magazines.  They arrived in pristine condition- thank you ebay. 

But, imagine our surprise when we flipped the magazine over and there we were, Monet, advertised on the back page.

Harpers Bazaar- February 1979

Harpers Bazaar- February 1979

Mademoiselle August 1979

Mademoiselle August 1979


We were shocked!  What are the chances that out of the 5 magazines we bought, 2 featured Monet!?  It got us thinking, what other magazines were we in? 

So, my mission is to find all Monet Back Page advertisements.  Do you have an old magazine that features Monet?  Please help us! 

Send in your photos, including the cover and date of the magazine and you could be entered to win a Monet Jewelry Set. 

Friday, November 19, 2010

Christmas in May Product

I know how much you loved seeing the showroom decorated for the holidays in yesterday's post.  But, you thought, isn't Monet a jewelry company?  Where is all the product?

Here are our favorite images we took of the product.  Enjoy!
Diamond Cut Bangles
I See Stars Ring Set
I Want Candy

Jet Begonias Chandelier Ear

On the Rocks sets

Oh La pearl

Emerald Cup
Morning Glory

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Monet Winter Collection

One of the most fun parts about my job is redecorating our Monet showroom.  Since I started, we have been through 3 reincarnations, Fall, Winter and Spring.

Our entry way complete with Chandelier and decorated Tree
May 2010 was all about holiday, since the jewelry is released for the months of September, October and November. 

The hunt began for Christmas lights, garland and anything resembling snow.  *Note, this is not too easy in 90 degree weather when everyone else is thinking Spring... but in New York City, anything is possible!

Our Director of Design, Tiffany Bausch, leads the inspiration, providing tear sheets, photos and a constant flow of ideas. 

My best resource for props is always Jamali Garden.  No matter the season, they can provide the most interesting and affordable props.  It is the first place I stop and usually the last place I go for finishing touches.  (Also, the place I will probably go for wedding ideas, stop by, they are awesome!) 

Next we needed a tree.  We debated back and forth on where to get a pine tree in the middle of May, calling suppliers from Long Island to Vermont.  They had trees, but the cost was astronomical.  So, instead of the usual pine tree, Tiffany came up with the concept of "Winter White Wonderland."  And, as you can see, it did the trick.

The tree
For this season, Monet designed beautiful and classic Christmas ornaments (free with every purchase on Monet.com *while supplies last) They were a PERFECT addition to the tree.


The entire Monet team stayed up late, decorating the tree, wrapping gifts and most importantly setting up the jewelry cases.  But, we managed to turn our showroom into a masterpiece of winter wonderland. (And everyone was definitely impressed!!!) 

I've done 2 showrooms since.  But, none was as fun as setting up Christmas in May! 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Monet Heritage Exhibit

As you read yesterday, Monet was a proud co-sponsor of the 2010 Glamour Top Women of the Year event in Madrid.  Director of Design, Tiffany Bausch and Director of Merchandising, Minjoo Chung attended, as well as a number of other celebrities.  

But, the best part of the night was being able to showcase our Archive Pieces.  Monet Jewelry began in 1929, and has been crafting high quality jewelry ever since.  If you can believe it, we have a vast collection of pieces that represent not only Monet's history, but the history of jewelry through out the century. 

Check out the photos and drool over the beautiful pieces!!

The Archive towers set up for the event at The Ritz

Close up shot of the Archive Pins

The event was a huge success for Monet.  We are constantly looking back to our archive pieces as inspiration for the future, but it's still fun to showcase those original pieces. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Premio Top Glamour Women of the Year

Olivia Palermo, Irina Shayk, Laura Sánchez... Congratulations to the 2010 Top Glamour Women of the Year! 

Monet was a one of 3 co-sponsors of the event held at The Ritz Carlton in Madrid on November 11th, 2010. 

Celebrities, fashion and fun were the theme of the evening, as women from all over the world were presented top achievement awards.

Watch Olivia Palermo and others discuss how proud they are to be honored at this event.

Monet's own Director of Merchandising, Minjoo Chung, Director of Design, Tiffany Bausch, and our proud representatives from Spain and Europe, Marian Gavino, Marie Duluq, Marta de Pablo and Conchi Diaz, were all in attendance.  They walked the red carpet, dined amongst the stars and overall just had a blast.

Monet represent!

Directors Minjoo Chung and Tiffany Bausch

Marian, Minjoo, Marie, Tiffanay, Marta and Conchi

The beautiful women who were honored:
Irina Shayk in vintage Roberto Cavalli
Adriana Abascal in Giambattista Valli

Alejandra Rojas in Christian Dior

Ana Locking in Balenciaga
Carolina Bang in Carolina Herrera
Jaydy Michel in a Sophia Kokosalaki dress and Monet jewelry
Laura Pamplona in Ailanto
Models Macarena and Amparo both in Santiago Bandrés
Berta Collado in Gucci
Laura Sánchez in Miriam Ocáriz
Singer Marta Sánchez in Lorenzo Caprile
Olivia Palermo

Úrsula Corberó in Christian Dior