It is here that we will divulge our favorite bloggers, the reasons why they are our favorite and maybe even an interview with the Blogger of the Week!
Today's edition features Aly Walansky. Aly is hosting a Monet jewelry giveaway starting TODAY. Enter on her blog.
We asked Aly a few questions about herself, blogging, fashion and life!
When did you start blogging?
I've been blogging (in various incarnations and several genres) for about five years.
What’s the best thing about being a blogger?
I've learned so much -- I often feel like I'm getting a constant education. Every day, there's a new product, a new innovation, new trends and ideas -- and I get to be at the front line to see it all happening. It's an honor, and also a tremendous opportunity. Why does fashion interest you?
I love the concept of fashion as wearable art, but also as the most visible form of self-expression. We like to say we "wear our emotions" - but fashion is the only context that this truly becomes valid.
How would you wear the Monet product in your giveaway?
Mine is classic glamour - I'd pair it with a simple black shift dress and let the jewelry do the work!
Your best jewelry shopping tip?
I am the consummate bargain shopper - I love to compare deals and prices and get the best buy for my buck. I also believe in the cost per wear - if you find something fabulous that you know you will wear often, then that is a great value for you!
What’s your jewelry philosophy?
I don't have a lot of jewelry, but what I do have, I love, and I know it will last the years. Jewelry is timeless, the pieces you choose today are the pieces your daughter may be wearing ten years from now.
How are you going to make your holiday season sparkle?
With love and laughter - that's the greatest accessory of all :-)
Funniest NYC moment?
I work from home, but often take my computer to a nearby Starbucks to have a bit of change in scenery. I'm there often enough that the barista will ask if I've been on vacation if I miss a few days. Recently, I was at the Starbucks, blogging away, and I received a call on my cell phone that a messenger was at my apartment, attempting to drop off a package. I explained to him I wasn't home, but was nearby - and he offered to bring it to me. I often call Starbucks my "office", but never was it more true than the day I got a messenger delivery as I sat at my "desk"!
Silver or gold? silver
Pearls or gems? gems
Chandeliers or hoops? hoops
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