Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dear Santa...

Each year, our parent company, Liz Claiborne, works with non-profit organizations in New York and New Jersey to help brighten the holidays for children in need. 

This year, LizACTS received over 350 letters to Santa with special requests like, nerf footballs, bicycles, roller skates and make-up.   

I have never done anything like this before, so I was thrilled at the opportunity to brighten a child's Christmas.  As were most of my co-workers...
Monet designer Erin Cornell picking a letter
Anna Madonia showing us her pick!
Monet designer Joanne Chang thinking hard about her gift
Liz employees at Dear Santa
Some of the letters

What a wonderful experience!  I only wish I could be there when Noheris opens her barbie and Brandon gets his science set (with skeleton!)

Thanks, LizACTS!

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