Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Monet Late Winter Collection

For my second showroom switcheroo, December, January and February collections, we transformed our space into a global marketplace. 

We wanted to convey that Monet is not just a leader in costume jewelry in the United States, but around the world. 

We started with a map, where all good projects should start. We hung the map from the ceiling.

In front of the map we hung models of famous buildings around the world. 

This is a showroom we could NOT have done without the help of many, many fantastic summer interns.  They researched famous buildings in all of the countries in which we are sold.  They looked up flags of those countries, and where to buy them.  And most importantly, they helped us assemble those buildings, made of sheets of paper.  

(I must say, the real star is one of my co-workers, Suzanne, her meticulous-ness was the driving force behind getting these buildings completed.  The Colosseum, constructed with 45 sheets of paper, took she and her husband 3 days straight.) 

After we hung the buildings, it was time to design the incase.

Each case was propped with marble, which you can see in the picture to the left.  And believe it or not, I found those in the garbage. One mans trash is another woman's treasure!!


We also used mini metal buildings and other such geometric props like pipes and concrete.

Out in our lobby, we decorated with flags of many countries.  Creating a welcoming atmosphere as soon as anyone walked in!

I believe the showroom was very well received by all of our accounts, but especially our International partners.  It is a fine chance that we had to honor their place in our company, and I am glad we took it!